30 May 2006


It's time again for the mid-week tip of the week.

I seem to be struggling with new tips for Wednesday's posts. For two reasons, one someone already takes my idea and two since we are moving again, I'm not feeling to organized at the moment. But I'll do my best...

Since living in a two-story home I find it very frustrating to go up and down the steps every time I need to do something that is not downstairs. Hence, I've created what I call "mini-stations". Everything that I always go for upstairs I have made readily available downstairs as well. But, due to my OCD tendencies they are hidden!

For example, diaper changing station:

No longer do I carry baby up the stairs to her changning table to change those dirty diapers!

* In the top drawer, I have for me lip balm, an extra contact case, extra pair of glasses, contact solution, nail clippers and hair bands!
My second favorite is in a kitchen cabinet:

I keep a three-drawer sterlite bin with all my little neccessities from the bathrooms upstairs and other things from my desk upstairs:

For instance, chap stick, band-aids, Neosporin, some medicine, medicine droppers, Sharpie, one screwdriver, scissors, etc.

I also have a hamper in the spare room downstairs for dirty dish towels, bibs, and clothes that come off the kiddos throughout the day. (Although this one is not hidden right now because it is small and not an "eye sore". There you go!

Call it lazy...I call it Smart!


Girl Raised in the South said...

I love love the idea of the 3 drawer sterlite thing - great idea. That never would have occurred to me but soon as I'm back home I'm running to Target - I think I may need several.

Julie said...

Love this idea. I did this in the last house. Essential w/ the baby changing stuff!

the lizness said...

that's not lazy at all. I did that when I had an upstairs bathroom and downstairs bathroom, kept doubles of cleaning supplies, why not everything else you run upstairs for? great tip.

Anonymous said...

That *is* smart!!

Stacey said...

Good tips!!

Wendy said...

Good ideas. We have a 2 story and I do the same and keep things hidden too. Not lazy, just efficient, making the most of our time.

Carol said...

Mini-stations! I like that.

And you are so organized. I'm not like that.

Great tip!

Susie said...

I also have a two story. I have cleaning supplies and an extra vacuum for the upstairs. I also call it efficient, not lazy!
My WFMW is up :-)

Katherine@Raising Five said...

You are so smart...anything to save steps! I love to hide things too but my hidden items are never as neatly stacked as yours!

Thanks for coming by today! Hope your house sells so you can get home to our great state!

Anonymous said...

With two two story homes (one we are living in and the other we are building a bigger one next to this one) I am sure this would come in handy!

Amy said...

I have a tri-level (who invented this horrible floor plan?) and I have stations camped everywhere. It is a much smarter use of your time- not lazy :)!

Oh, and don't you hate it when you came up with the BEST idea EVER and then read it on someone else's blog...sigh!

Jennifer said...

I call it smart, too!

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