Thirteen Things that have changed since I had children!
1. My hair has been and stays in a pony tail more times then my childhood and teenage years combined.
2. I only replace my makeup once a year instead of every 3 - 6 months.
3. I only spend money on new clothes if it's a special event or outing.
4. The flap that hangs over my two c-section scars is forever my new limb.
5. My once fit frame and small feet will never be the same size again.
6. I watch more cartoons now then I ever did when I was a kid. Hence, we didn't have cable!
7. My hair has given itself a "free perm" that never grows out.
8. My spider viens have now turned to tarantula veins.
9. My boobs and buttocks will never see the face of gravity again.
10. The phrase '8 hours of sleep' is somehow not a true phrase anymore.
11. Going to the bathroom in private is forever over with.
12. Taking four minute showers is now the norm.
13. The once clean car days is now replaced with wipes, spilled juice, smashed goldfish, and toys!
I have your link changed!
How true, how true!
Love the list! I'm with you one the perm thing too...after every child my hair gets curlier.
Love it! All of them. The bathroom one, cracks me up, because my husband hates when I'm talking to him and going to the bathroom at the same time. I just always forget to close the door now. But only when I'm at home. How embarassing that would be if I forgot in public???
BTW, I had to buy new sippy cups for the baby. I saw these really cute adorable ones and snagged them quickly. When I got home, I realized why I liked them so much. One was green with frogs, the other was pink with butterflies. It was like looking at your blog. :-) I guess that shows how much I LOVE the new look, eh?
Amen. And amen.
Especially to that whole c-section thing. I can't even talk about it. :-)
But it's all so worth it, isn't it? Nothing sweeter.
OK, that list is SO NOT what I expected to read after I saw the picture! hee hee...
But, take heart, sister... my youngest is 4 and my oldest is almost 11 (middle is 6). And I can say I don't watch as many cartoons, I get more sleep, I go to the bathroom in private, I take a 15 minute shower, and I make the kids clean out the trash in the car. So, there is hope on the horizon for you...hang in there!
Your blog is so cute I love the colors. JI ahve a list almost the exact same things I have curly hair since I have had children my van looks like a tornado hit it. I only buy clothes whem I have to. I can hardley go to the bathroom in peace. Have a GREAT fOURTH OF JULY.
I'm with ya on 5, 8, & 9. Motherhood changes everything!
(I tagged you for a meme. Hope you'll play along.)
Yeah, the hair! My once wavy and full-bodied hair now looks like a perm if I just let it dry after showering (which instead of your ponytail, is my normal quick-fix).
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