03 June 2006


It's time to par-tee!! Thanks everyone for joining my prayer chain that I put up a few weeks ago on this post. But, I'm here today to say that God heard our prayers. Because MomRN2 over at My Quiet Corner daughter is coming home today from the hospital.

Thank you God for hearing and answering our prayers! If you would like to join the party, head on over to She Lives to send a welcome home or send an E-card to a well deserved family!

*Sorry this is SO late but I got a new computer this weekend and I'm just now figuring it out. I'll post about it later. I also couldn't figure out how to load an image yet so I had to do this for now.


boomama said...

New computer! Yay! Does it make me a total nerd that I can't wait for you to post a picture of it? Yeah, probably so.... :-)

Theresa said...

Pic is posted...it took a little figuring out to do but none the less I pulled it off. And no, your not a nerd...I was drooling while doing the post. As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've stopped drooling over it yet. We Locastro's are nerdy like that over our new gadgets!! Please, join the drool fest! :)