01 July 2006

A little ranting here

Ya'll I totally work hard on not judging other moms but here are two recent incidents I observed that just burned me up....

First of all, I was at Wal-Mart shopping (of course where else, right?) and a mother with a little one about 6 or 7 months old. There was one other couple in front of me checking out. In the middle of her transaction the baby boy starts wailing. And, I mean screaming. The mom does nothing except push the cart back and forth. Now, I know we ALL have been in the scenario at least once in our lives. But, the baby just keeps on. It was SO bad that the cashier offers the mom a pen with a fancy feather toy on top to see if she can interest the screaming infant. The pen actually worked for about a minute then he starts wailing again.

It was obvious this little boy was h.u.n.g.r.y!

Then further delays happen because the cashier cannot figure out how to cash in her check coupons. The lady directily in front of me said to her husband, "I'm going outside for a smoke!" Obviously, the baby's screaming was wearing on everyone in line, including the cashier. It would of taken the mom two seconds to take the baby out of the carrier and hold him for a minute OR give the baby a bottle OR a new toy, etc. Okay, maybe she was breastfeeding but still she could of held the poor guy!

But, no she continued to do nothing and let him scream his daylights out!

After she was done being checked out, the cashier started to ring up the gentlemen in front of me. I think most of us were relieved that she now could go home and feed that little baby.

BUT, to our surprise, we all could STILL hear that baby boy crying from a short distance. We all we're looking around and could not figure out why she was STILL in the store with her baby so upset. Only to see that she got into another check out line to purchase some CIGARETTES! UGH! I mean come on...

The other incident was a women and her little boy (maybe 12 mos.) at the same lovely Wal-Mart but in the McDonald's. Her little boy was wearing one of those helmets to help shape a baby's head. Now I use to babysit a little girl with one that was pink. To help dress it up some, her Mom would get little stickers and put her name and some girly flowers of sort on it. Well this little mom did that same thing to her little boys black helmet. Except in this case the stickers were skulls, motorcycles, I guess demons, and whatever else those pictures were. But the most disturbing part was the letter stickers she put on directly above his forehead. I looked over to read it and it said...

"What the f----ing are you looking at? YES IT DID!! On a baby?? I mean come on!

What are these women thinking??

Sorry for ranting today, but sometimes...

I just pray that God will help these mommies to make better decisions about their little ones next time.


boomama said...

I just got back from Walmart - and I have a post forming in my brain even as I type this. A trip there is always good for some insight into human nature, isn't it?

Addie said...


Robin said...

It's sad to think of what their lives must be like on a daily basis. Those poor kids. Of course, the way I acted toward Reia yesterday, people could say the same about me!

Susie said...

I feel so much like you do when I see things that are clearly inappropriate. It is like there is a whole other universe out there. By God's grace we have to somehow break through to them and show them Christ. What a job we have. Prayer, as you said, is a great start. By the way you have such a cute blog design. Pink and green are my favorite colors.

Stacey said...

That is so sad... she wasn't only shaping his head, she's shaping his attitude and outlook on life!!

Sometimes I just want to say something!!

Kate said...

It's just so sad... it breaks my heart when I see or hear of mom's like that. I feel they are so troubled or wounded and need Jesus so bad...