It's summertime baby! Which means ice cream is a necessity in all households. However, weird enough I know there are a lot of people who do not like to scoop their own ice cream for many reasons. I myself will scoop anytime.
But most complaints are because the ice cream is TOO hard to scoop out (no matter what ice cream scooper you purchase.) So here is my solution and I did it tonight.
To get totally smooth freezing cold scoopable ice cream pop it in the microwave for about 15 - 20 seconds before scooping. Yep, throw the WHOLE carton in there! Try and see for yourself it WORKS FOR ME!
Theresa, Im commenting here to be sure you find it. You have NINE subscribers, and public it shows me and Robin, plus two others I dont recognize, so 5 are out there stalking you, reading quietly...Be encouraged. Not one as you thought!
By the way, I do the same thing - zap that ice cream. Works great - if you overzap its sort of like a Wendys frosty consistency - not a bad thing.
Works for me, too! Love it. (P.S.--I subscribe!) :-)
I used to work at an ice cream shop when I was younger and we always dipped our scoop in warm water. That seems to do the trick when it is too hard for me. I'll have to try the microwave though. I like my ice cream REALLY hard. I am kind of afraid that it would get it too soft. OR I could just get my husband to do it for me! HA!
Whoa....I couldn't imagine putting ice cream in the microwave! Hehe. I might have to try it though, I have actually sprained my wrist scooping ice cream before...no lie!
That's almost too simple. I love it!
Wow, genius! We leave ours on the counter for a bit to "sober up". (I love that term. That's what Ben's grandma always says. It's so cute) Anyway, maybe we can hurry up the sobering process in the microwave! Thanks!
I will have to try this.
Gotta love ice cream!
Great tips T!!
Love ice cream, hate scooping. I am going to try this TODAY. Thanks!
You know this is the one thing that I actually do myself LOL It's a great tip, it really does make the scooping so much easier :)
I've never considered that, I'll have to try it!
I do this too! And when others see me, they totally think it's weird, but IT TOTALLY WORKS! Thanks for justifying my "weird behavior" ;)
i know this works and all, but i'm a non scooper to the core.
my hand might slip and bump the edge, and i might get ice cream on my knuckles, and the thought of that turns me off more than the thought of ice cream turns me on. isn't that stupid?!
(I did go to the museum on the right day, and don't worry. they werent' mk ladies at all - kids ministry instead.)
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