24 June 2006

Born Again!

Susie rocks over at Bluebird Blogs...here is my new look and name! I hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I do.

Here is a little background on how and why I chose my name. When I was growing up I use to go to church EVERY Sunday. I would even get attendance certificates for my perfect Sunday School attendance. Many times my sisters and I would spend the night at my Aunt Linda's house and she would take us to church. See my Aunt Linda always wanted to have girls but instead she was blessed with two boys and her sister got three girls. So each Saturday night my aunt would have us spend the night. She would set our hair in pink sponge rollers (I'm showing my age now) and we would dance to the song "Bullfrogs & Butterflies" by Agapeland Music. Then, each morning she would do our hair, put on our Sunday church dresses with white socks trimmed in lace and our patent "tappy shoes". This would be the time that I remember, accepting Jesus Christ into my heart and becoming a born again christian.

Attending church while I was younger made a huge impact on my life going forward. Although I ignored it at times and I went off road for a while during high school and college thinking I didn't need him. Eventually, I moved to the "Bible Belt" and God started speaking to my heart again. He once again so gently reminded me that I needed him. He so forgiving that way.

Looking back now, those childhood memories of staying the night at my Aunt Linda's house and listening to Bullfrogs and Butterflies stays close to my heart. The song is a quick reminder of how much we need God in our lives.

Then I thought, what great daily reminder it would be to have what would be one of the most important childhood memories embedded on my blog.

So I bring you Bullfrogs & Butterflies!

1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." 3In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." John 3:1-3


Stacey said...

Looing good T-Lo!! What a great story and wonderful reminder of how the Lord has blessed your life!!

Robin said...

love it, love it, love it!

Julie said...

Very cute!

Nicole said...

I KNOW that I hae heard this song, and I can't think of it. Now it is really bugging me. I love your new look and new name. Mine is so generic. Most people have the cutest name with a cute meaning (like yours), I guess I need to work on mine. I love your memories too! Sweet, sweet.

Brenda said...

I love that song! It was one of my favorites when I was in our church's puppet ministry as a teen. I almost chose the name for my blog. Love the new look, too!

Joy @ SAH Missionary said...

I love that song....I grew up listening to the whole tape! I love the new design...especailly the pink and the butterflies...hmmm I wonder why that is??

Addie said...

You did this over my C-R-A-Z-Y weekend and so I'm just now seeing it. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! It's just beautiful. And the name and story, well that's just perfect.

Too cool! I'm jealous! ;-)

GiBee said...

OH MY! I LOVE your look! And the name. It brings fond memories to mind. Bullfrogs, and butterflies ... they've both been born again ... EVERYBODY! Bullfrogs, and butterflies. They'be both been born again!

I'm off to buy this CD for my son. And I'm doing it with a smile on my face from your blog. ADORABLE!