20 September 2006

Are you getting any R&R?

Have you heard about the new show on CBS? I'll give you two hints: she can cook and her initials are RR.

I will admit, I was a little skeptical about the whole thing. I just thought "here we go another celebrity is getting their own talk show". Then, I got my little remote control and scheduled my TiVo to record Rachel Ray's new show! :-)

And, I'm SO glad I did...ladies if you're not watching or not a fan yet, you just might be after watching her show. I just finished watching the first three episodes tonight and it kicks some tail!

So of course, here are my
Thirteen Reasons Why You Should Be Watching RR:

1. Her set is absolutely fabulous! It's set up like an apartment with a kitchen, garage, terrace, etc.

2. The audience floor moves! It turns to face her based on what room she is in on the set.

3. She has great guests on her show to eat and cook with her! So far, Diane Sawyer and Oprah Winfrey. Oh yes she did!

4. She talks about shoes, kids, dogs, etc. anything her little mind wanders too.

5. She goes from sky diving out of a plane then back to her kitchen to eat.

6. Instead of 30 minute meals she makes SEVEN minute meals!

7. Actually, it was 5 mins. and 52 seconds and it looked awesome.

8. She plays a funny game called "Stump the Rach" that was just down right hilarious.

9. Did I mention she was a hoot? She tells stories of her childhood that will have you on the floor rolling!

10. She is so cheerful and funny you can't help but be in a good mood when you're done watching.

11. Her show covers a lot of topics that keep you suckered in.

12. She is still young, so the show is hip, fresh and definitely unique!

13. She brings the meaning of talk shows to a whole new level...so go watch it already!


mamashine said...

How fun! I watch her all the time on food network. Didn't know the new show had started.

Mom2fur said...

I've had Rachel's show playing in the background at work this week, but I haven't actually got to see it. The TV is behind and above me (I work in a doctor's office) and I really do have to 'work,' LOL! But I'm off this morning, so you can bet I'm going to watch it!
And...oh, my goodness! I saw that you are having surgery next week! (Over at Laurel Wreath via WFMW.) I wish you an easy time of it and a speedy recovery!

Stacey said...

I heard about it but couldn't tell when it was on. I'll have to look into it now. So are you still thinking she's pregnant??

Anonymous said...

great list of reasons - love rr, too! mine's up! ;)

GiBee said...

Great list! I love Rachel Ray too ... but MAN does she have a TON of energy!

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement ... they really meant a lot to me!

Have I ever mentioned to you that every time I come to your blog, I start singing the song Bullfrogs and Butterflies ... leave smiling? So ... thanks for naming your blog that!

Stacey said...

Sorry I didn't call you T. Has it been a while or was it recently? Our phone, internet, cable and cell phones were down for like three days last week. I'll give you a call this week : )

Vessel said...

Love Her!!!
I haven't caught her show yet. Ok need to do that at least once this week.

Emily said...

I've been watching Martha. I may have to switch over to Rachel. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she's fab, but I cannot get into any more tv. Just let me know which of those 7 min meals work, would ya?


Anonymous said...

I haven't entered the fabulous world of Tivo as of yet. I will admit that I was a HUGE Rosie fan before the show went off the air (and back when I was used to be able to watch more TV live). I haven't really watched any talk shows since. :)

Sandra said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rachael Ray, and I'm just loving her new show. You're definitely a woman after my own heart :)

LOL you saw that toe massager thing too?LOL

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

I have been meaning to watch it but I forget. I will watch it tomorrow though, now that you have fully encouraged me to do so!

Shawna said...

You know, I saw all the hype promoting this show, and never once did I realize it was on CBS! I will have to check it out.