02 August 2006


Today's tip of the day is brought to you by a sleep-deprived mama and a 3-year old early riser. My first daughter (which now I'll be referring to as Sissy) has always been up at the crack of dawn since she was born.

Her famous phrase in the morning is "Mom get up, it's light outside"!

And, now since we're living in the 'Valley of the Sun' this had now started at sunrise every morning around 5:20am!

So last night we had a little chat...I told Sissy that just because she is up the rest of the house does not need to wake up, including little sister (who now I'll be referring to as Sugar). So I continued to tell her that she could go downstairs get her juice, watch TV, color, etc. until the rest of us woke up. Then she sadly replied, "I can't get the juice it's too heavy". So here goes thy tip: I made a sippy cup before I went to bed and left it in the refrigerator along with a yogurt on a shelf she could reach.

Sidenote, as of yesterday Sissy learned how to turn on her show with the TiVo remote. As she so proudly screamed about yesterday. I think it went something like this...

"Mom I did it!" I turned on the TiVo, looked for the "C" (Clifford the Big Red Dog) and turned on my show! I did it all by myself!"

As Addie would say, "Can I get an Amen?"

Needless to say, this morning I woke up at 7:02 when Sugar was ready to get out of her crib! Yep, so if you want to sleep in tomorrow...prepare your sweeties choice of drink, breakfast the night before AND by all means teach them how to turn on the TV!

Wha-la an instant extra hour of sleep. :-)


Robin said...

Heavens, 5:20 is too early in any time zone! Glad you are getting a little more sleep.

Addie said...

Amen and Hallelujah! :-)

boomama said...

ANYTHING that results in more sleep works for me. ;-)

And 7:02? For you? That's like sleeping until noon!

Girl Raised in the South said...

When Sarah was little, and I worked full time I figured out to leave a banana at the end of her crib, peeled back just a bit. Seemed the perfect food to leave out. Leslie slept in since it took her forever to get to sleep. And Dan, no way would I let him be up for 5 minutes without me right beside him. Glad to hear you figured out how to get it done at your house. Whatever works is just great.

GiBee said...

AMEN, sister ... AMEN!!! I can't wait until Hunter is old enought to do that on his own!!!

Paulette said...

Too cute. Ill Amen any extra sleep for young motheres. I enjoy your site.