15 August 2006

Little Secret

Where art thou T-Lo? I'm still here and alive...let's see what have I been doing?

Well, let's just say I've been decorating our home to make it more "homey" the next time we have a showing . So we've added some curtains, I made the maroon curtains in the dining area, and unpacked about 20 boxes in John's "suppose-to-be" office and put it together for him. That's one more pretty room in the household and well, you know, taking care of Sissy and Sugar 24/7.

I'll also let you in on a little secret I've been keeping.

Over the last 12 months I've been a little less than stressed with the whole move (a new baby at the time), not being able to exercise, missing my church, my family, my friends, blah, blah, blah. And due to all the change/stress in my life, I haven't been making the best food choices nor exercising. (= weight gain, just in case you forgot.)

So the cat is out of the bag so-to-speak. I've been spending my time trying to get back into shape. I've been doing some exercise to help lose some unwanted pounds, during the time I would normally blog!

I know, I think this is against blog etiquette or something. :-)

In the old days, back in Texas I would just play on a women's soccer league and that would be the end of it. If anyone knows me at all, exercising is a big part of me. I've exercised since I can remember usually running, golf and playing soccer were a big part of my life. Since the move (and two kiddos) that has not been the case.

Because I don't want to be distracted during the times I am suppose to be working out (like blogging), I've decided to keep the griddy details off my blog. I know y'all are SO disappointed! :-)

In short, this is where I have been. So without further a do I thought I would post some pics of all my hard work. Because a picture is worth a thousand words right?
*Excuse the far away shots but I couldn't get the light right.


Wendy said...

Hi Theresa, Good to hear from you! The curtains look great! I know what you mean about it being hard to exercise w/little ones. We've started going for walks in the morning and I figure if that is all I do somedays, it is better than nothing. Still waiting for that magic pill that allows me to eat whatever I want. Wouldn't that be nice!

Addie said...

Curtains look good, they're a nice touch.

I've missed ya!

Heather Smith said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Sounds like you've been very busy lately. Hope everything comes together and you get your house sold soon!

Anonymous said...

And, yay for using a Mac!

boomama said...

I've definitely missed you - but sounds like you've found a great use for your time. Good job, T-Lo. :-)

Girl Raised in the South said...

Good for you! Novel idea - less calories, exercise = weight loss! Have to try that. Maybe I could jog and blog at the same time???

Barb said...

What a novel idea. Do something to stay fit instead of blogging away the day. I haven't figured out if my office chair is imprinted with my rear or my rear is imprinted with my office chair. And the curtains are really nice. That whole room looks so pretty.

Kristie Vinson said...

Hey, I am with you. I would love for you to run with me! Last night I did 3 miles! Go me! Keep it up! You will feel so much better and things just don't seem as stressful any more! Congrats on losing weight!

Anonymous said...

theresa, if my house ever looks that clean, i'll take pics and post them too. not likely!

i'm trying to lose weight too. hang in there!~

PEZmama said...

Good for you, girl.

Would you mind losing a few pounds for me while you are at it?


Stacey said...

Man, I thought we were going to get some before and after shots of you not your house! I was all excited to see the progress you've made. Your house looks grear though, too!!