22 August 2006

The Maker's Diet

Considering I am a "non-reader" or at least a non-reader of fiction I do on occasion (okay, maybe once a year) I will read a book. Most of the time it is a self-help, self-improvement, self-?, k, catch my drift?

Anyhoo, I just recently finished The Maker's Diet book by Dr. Jordan S. Rubin. It's a book about Dr. Rubin's personal journey from sickness to health based on a health plan described by our Maker (God) by what is written in the Bible and that has been tested by science. I was impressed to see that many suggestions/statements he gave were backed up by scripture.

Has anyone else read this book?

I'm not much of a book critic but I did enjoy the book a lot. And, I'm not sure I agreed with everything single thing that was written, especially in the chapter titled, How to Get Sick: A Modern Prescription for Illness, but he did make some very good points and I learned A LOT, about our bodies and what the Bible says about health.

Oh yeah, the reason for the post. I was wondering for those of you who have read it if anyone has tried his "Clenzology" program or Probiotics with HSO's, etc? I'm sure there is some money to be spent here but just curious if anyone had actually tried them.


Wendy said...

I haven't read it, but want to. I know a couple people that really liked it.

Stacey said...

My in-laws are into this book. My MIL was diagnosed with breast cancer and then brain cancer a few years back and has tried just about everything to get her health back in order. I can't tell you if it really works or not.

I should read the book so I know more about it. I've heard it's good.

You'll have to let all of us know for sure : )

Sara at Miller Moments: said...

I've read it. It's good. However, I believe that just plain good nutrition, including vitamins, minerals and probiotics, etc...is a great addition to healthy living. My nutritionist poo-poos his "HSO"s theory - she reccommends just good old play-time in the dirt/garden/etc... If you're looking for a great resource for healthy living, I work with a company that manufactures amazing wellness products. You might be interested in hearing about it - feel free to email me or visit my website (phone number on the home page) if you'd like more info! www.healthyhome4family.com But all in all, Rubin's book is very good. I'm interested in getting his newest release and reading, it, too!

Anonymous said...

I read it a couple years ago. It was good and really got me thinking about eating better. After a while though it overwhelmed me how much my life would have to change in order to stick to his recommendations. 2 years later, basically it was a waste of time for me. But I don't have Chrons or Graves or another disease that may have pushed me to make the change.

Robin said...

We have it but never read it. I start a detox tomorrow with T. So NOT looking forward to it, but I said I would so...

Shawna said...

I have read parts of it. It sounded really good to me, but almost impossible to implement in my everyday life. I do believe we would be a lot healthier if we did. We live in a very rural area, and I would have to order everything online. I would hate to invest a lot of money without knowing if it would work or not...