Can you believe it? Since the last update things got a little worse. My EKG was normal but my chest x-ray showed I had pneumonia. My worst nightmare...more days in the hospital - ugh! Just as my doctor was saying, "I'll check the x-ray, but I've never had a patient get pneumonia after open surgery".
Leave it to me to change that little statistic.
I'm trying to recover now with somewhere between 15 - 20 staples in my stomach, sore arms from all the IV's and blood level checks and enough prescriptions to open my own pharmacy.
I'll probably be living in my bedroom for the next two weeks but there are
some good things to look forward to...
I'm home now, in my own bedroom, with hubby, my girls, TiVo, the MacBook and DVD player at my disposal. Plus, I have two family members in town taking care of me, the house, and my children. And ya know what? That's whole lot better than where I was yesterday!
So what was suppose to be a same day out patient surgery, turned into a six day hospital day with open surgery. But, I am thankful to all my friends and family (and yes YOU if you're reading this) for all the prayers and love that were sent my way.
Some say blogging is just a hobby but y'all were the ones that help me through that last hump in the hospital when I thought things couldn't get any worse. Oh, and thank you Lord for inventing this crazy thing we call technology - especially PDA's! :-)
I'll right more when my big, bruised belly can handle sitting up more than 15 minutes at a time.