26 February 2006

Ran the 5K...and not OK

The 5K Heart and Sole Run finally came Saturday. My girlfriend Lori and I showed up, picked up our packets, stopped by the lovely port-o-lets and headed to the lovely pink balloon arch. Patiently we waited for the bull-horn to sound and off we went. Adrenaline was running, conversation was going, then bam - I'm out of breath! Panting heavily I say, "Sorry Lori I have to slow down but you keep going", Lori: ok, bye see you at the finish line". Who was I kidding? I think my mind was still picturing me running 5K's back in the day before two kids and when I was exercising on a consistent basis. I thought the running I did here and there over the past months and working out at the YMCA (before the household came down with an epidemic) that I could manage running the whole thing.

Well, in case your wondering I did finish the race but painfully I might add. I crossed the finish line at 37:46. (I should be embarrased to post that time, but I'm being honest here) Even though, I ran most of the time I occassionally walked at times too. Boy, was this an eye opener of how 'out of shape' I truly am. Even though it felt great to finish I am truly waddling today. So, to help get over the soreness of it all I had a spa pedicure with a sea salt scrub - awwwwwww...when is the next 5K coming up?


Addie said...

Way to go girl! You're in way better shape than me. I would have had to pretty much walk the whole thing....slowly! Congratulations!

Stacey said...

I think it's awesome that you got involved and gave it your all. I couldn't have made it very far. I always have great plans to run but never go with it.