07 February 2008

Ballet Pictures as promised...

Sugar is taking a combination class of Ballet and Gymnastics...she loves ballet so much I can't get her to wear any other clothes but a leotard with a tutu!

The parents watch the class through a two-way glass so some pictures came out a little blurry.

Here they are walking from the gymnastics room to the ballet room. The class is perfect because there are only three girls in her class on Fridays.

Last week was the first time they used the bar. It was sooooo precious.

Ms. Casey is there teacher and she couldn't be any sweeter. I'm sure there will be more pictures to come once they have their recital. LOL...I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Ohh tats gr8...now a days each n every 1 r showing interest to learn ballet.Nyways thanks for sharing with us.
keep up the work.

Robin said...

I cant' wait for Reese to start next year!! I remember when Reia was that little taking lessons. So cute!!

Kelley said...

Too sweet! I'm always amazed at the things they can teach those girls at such a young age.

Susie said...

What a sweet girly girl! I loved the post about her sleeping in her ballet slippers! That's a story to remember when she's 18 and dating! They grow so fast! Cherish every minute!!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

What a great class. Gymnastics and ballet. It looks like she is having fun.

Ilove the reading loft that you did for your teacher. THat turned out great!

Stacey said...

That is so darn cute! I can't believe how big she's getting. Hang on to those memories, you'll treasure them forever!!

holdenon said...

Theresa, that is so cute! I will never know ballet. I guess I will post about football or soccer or the like. I need to come hang out with you some times so I can get my 'girl' time. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Those girls are so adorable. The barre must look so high to them.


Wendy said...

Those pictures are adorable! My girls would love that too.