29 January 2006

Creative "Nappy Time"

Victoria is usually a good sleeper and usually naps between 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day for me (and stills go to bed by 8:30). However, lately she has started 1) postponing nappy time or 2) skipping it all together. The other day she decided she wanted to sleep in the hallway floor upstairs instead of in her bed. At that point I did not care at all where she napped just as long as she slept - so of course I said yes.
So, she grabbed her Dora pillow and a blanket and sprawled out on the floor. I said good night and came downstairs to enjoy my peaceful few hours for the day. As I was eating my lunch and watching TV I heard little pitter patters across the floor upstairs. I knew that she may be getting in the playroom to get some books or something but she was being awfully noisy for quite sometime. About an hour later I finally went upstairs to check on her because I was still hearing some noises. Above is a picture of what I found upon coming up the stairs...

All of her babies and stuff animals were now sleeping on the pillow and under the blankie! And, as you can see she created her own library of books all the way down the hallway. Needless to say, she did not take a nap that day and I couldn't stop from laughing. She gets more and more creative as the days go by.


Anonymous said...

That's so funny. I love the way kids think. My son offered me a nickle today to get out of taking his nap. Where do they come up with this stuff?

I love your blog!

Theresa said...

Tks! I love it, a nickel huh? It probably won't be long before my comes up with that. At least I'll be ready, ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie! Well, at least she's big on literacy!

I'm loving your blog!! (Can ya tell, 'cause I'm waaaaay down here on this entry!)